Monday, June 20, 2016


I promised to share with the world what went into my decision, after a very heated race for the position as Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party, to withdraw from the race and endorse Jane Kleeb over Chuck Hassebrook. It wasn't an easy decision for me, and it was one that I made only minutes before the election was to take place.

The process that led to my decision was multi-faceted. Jane's implorations, appealing to party unity, were but a small part of it. The conversations I had with many others held more sway. The best opportunity to effect real change was paramount. I had enough votes to give Chuck the win. I didn't see that as being in the best interests of the Bernie Revolution.

I have fought tooth and nail, over the past ten years, to encourage changes within the NDP that would give a greater voice to Nebraska's Democrats. I have been in a self-imposed hiatus from active participation in the party for a variety of reasons. What brought me back in was Bernie Sanders. I saw that a bright light of hope was on the horizon and I was drawn to it as a moth to the flame. I realized there was an opportunity for my dreams of a populist NDP to be achieved. The legions leading this Revolution, mostly young people, reminded me of my generation, the one that saw our dreams crushed as Bobby Kennedy and Martin Luther King were murdered, as thousands of young lives were extinguished in the meat-grinder of the Vietnam war.

I can't explain why my generation, one that was idealistic, one that promised new ideas and ideals, let you down. The world we are leaving you is much more bleak than what we had hoped for. But there is promise. Things can change. It is up to you to be the architects of your future. We old people should do the right thing and stand aside. We will be gone soon enough; why should we be determining your future?

I need to touch on one facet, an important one, that of Frank LaMere. I would have had to go after Frank, just as I did to Jane, to ensure a victory. I consider Frank to be a friend. His character is beyond reproach. That, and he used to catch softball for my older brother, Dr. Ron Osborn. If I disrespected Frank, Ron would tie me into a pretzel!

With all that in mind, I saw that my candidacy was threatening to divide the effort to overturn the old ways of thinking and doing politics in our state. I believe Chuck Hassebrook is a good and honest man, but I just couldn't see him leading the charge to the ramparts. Our Revolution will be won by the participation of young people. We older folks should mentor, and guide, you to realize your own dreams. You should have a youthful leader, and it was apparent that many of you were willing to support Jane Kleeb in that role. I chose not to stand in your way.

Now I will be honest. I have had some issues with Jane. My support for her came at a price. There were several things that were paramount in my plans as your State Chair, fundamental things, that I still feel are essential to the well being of our party, and our people. Jane gave me her word that she would fight for these things just as hard as I would have. They are:

1. Get EVERYTHING the party does on-line. Total transparency.
2. Get our meetings teleconferenced so people don't have to spend so much to be a part of our democracy.
3. Actually obey our party's C&B, every word of it. Publicize every Platform plank and every Resolution passed by the SC, the SCC and the SEC. Put them all on-line where they are readily accessible. 
4. Put a blog, accessible to the public, with no censorship, back on the NDP website and ensure that the website includes useful, up-to-date information, including the contact info for committee members and Affiliated Caucus leadership.
5. Actually have that "full and complete" audit of the books that was voted on, and approved, so many years ago.

I'll give her two years, but I'll be reminding her, frequently, and very publicly, if she gets off track. My interpretation of her success, or failure, will be determined by the overall effect she has on the democratic process in this state. Whether that includes the fortunes of the NDP? I really don't care. It is more important what we do for the people than what we do for the party.

Now go out there and do good!

Brian Thomas Osborn

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Helpful Documents

I have created a Facebook page that has all of the documents from the NDP delegates/alternates package separated out so that you can easily access them on your phones, tablets or laptops at the convention. I hope you find it useful.


Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Questions answered

Barbara Tracy, an admin for a Facebook page hosting delegates and alternates to the upcoming NDP State Convention posed three questions for every candidate to answer. These those of my opponent, Jane Kleeb, and mine.

Barbara Tracy

Jane Fleming Kleeb Brian Thomas Osborn Joe Orsi Tom Tilden Adrian Sanchez and others running for seats, we have posted questions for discussion here in the virtual meeting. Anyone running for a seat may answer, anyone in the group may post more questions and ask follow ups. We ask that everyone refrain from finger pointing and focus on what he or she has planned for the party. Thank you for your participation.

Question 1: To those running for a seat: Much work will be needed to retain the growth seen in the Democratic Party and to heal divisions that have grown. If elected, what steps will you take, to retain new delegates, new party members, continue growth, and to make the party welcoming to all who wish to participate? Please refrain from discussing previous chairs or other candidates for chair. Please be specific about your vision. Please state the seat for which you are running.

Hi guys, Jane Kleeb running for Chair...
I have solid experience bringing people together of all background to work on a common goal--this was true on the pipeline fight but also when I worked for a union to get Obamacare passed and running an AmeriCorps program, the national Young Democrats of America and an eating disorders foundation. I first and foremost would get us from behind the computers and into the streets. Nebraskans in rural and urban towns need to see Dems active in the issues and community events important to them. I would creat shirts for us that say "Democrats Stand With You..." So when we attend a Medicaid or school or climate change rally we can show our party pride and support. We can also do community service projects together to build trust and community so when we hit rough patches we can lean on each other as people instead of getting in small fights that happen way too often in large groups. I also want to create Voter Reg goals for each LD and an "adopt a candidate" program where Dems can sign up to be attached to a down ballot campaign so we can distribute volunteers to help the entire ballot! Essentially I want to make politics fun, connected to the issues we care about and use both of those factors to help get Dems elected!

BTOsborn - Candidate for NDP State Chair

First off, I would give credit where it is due. The growth seen in the Nebraska Democratic Party this election cycle has more to do with the Bernie Sanders Revolution than any other reason. An influx of fresh, young, energetic and idealistic activists, many of them becoming involved in a political party for the first time in their lives, have put forth an effort not seen in generations. Many of them are already indicating their disillusionment in the process. Some have already jumped ship. If the NDP is to retain these new Democrats we must reward them for their efforts. They must fill positions within the party that offer them genuine opportunities to utilize the talents and skills they possess to realize the goals they had set for themselves when they became active in our party.It is not a matter of what I, Brian Osborn, will do as Chair of the NDP. It is a matter of what kind of environment I will nourish that allows them to excel. I will delegate, to those demonstrating responsibility, whatever "authority" the Chair has to allow them to become autonomously effective. My role will be more of a guide, than that of a leader. Many of these new additions to our party already have an innate ability to lead. They don't need to be led.Those members of the established party, those that have labored hard to advance the party will be welcomed as mentors to help guide the newcomers so that they can attain great accomplishments. Those that go forth, kicking and screaming, denying the changes that we must achieve to mold our party into an effective political entity, more concerned with their own authority and sense of entitlement, will probably find me as obnoxious as they always have.It is not about "me," it is about "we."

Question 2: To those running for a seat: Communication and the technology to aid communication has been unacceptable during this process. Without pointing fingers at people who may have made errors, if elected, what is your plain to improve technology and communication in the Nebraska Democratic Party? You may point to those you know have the ability to help and will do so. Please state the seat for which you are running.

Jane Kleeb, running for Chair! 

We can do monthly google hangouts for updates to keep folks informed and engaged. For the meetings held several times each year, we should ensure folks can see the meeting online and participate. We have access to technology to make this happen and we should use it since folks who live further out west often get left out or if your a busy parent, grandparent, student or professional you might not have the extra driving time to get places so this will help. Meeting face to face is critical so choosing locations as accessible as possible for drive time and ability will be a focus and goal. We need to streamline some info on the website and all of our public documents like Platform, etc could also go into a google docs folder. Lastly, if you are a candidate, access to the voter file is 100% key and knowing how to create walk lists for your volunteers. I will ensure we have not only a staff person dedicated to this but a team of volunteers (looking at you Ted Kessler) that are answering requests by candidates who might not have money for staff to do these functions.

BTOsborn - Candidate for NDP State Chair

My experience has largely been involved with technology. I served six years in the U.S. Navy as an AFTA trained DIFAR tech. (Google those terms, it would take too long here.) I then remained in Italy for eight years, three of them writing commercial software for Olivetti, five as a field engineer for Raytheon (later Memorex-Telex) supporting Top Secret communication equipment for the U.S. Air Force and working with distributed data within the airlines reservations systems for Alitalia. Back in the states, I achieved a BFA in Visual Communications and Design. I had my own company for a while, doing graphic design and web development. Later I developed reports, as a technical writer, for an organization that oversees the power grid in the eastern half of the U.S. and Canada.I have long proposed that the NDP become less dependent on face-to-face meetings due to the onerous travel demands placed on officers, delegates and committee members. Many of our new adherents are supremely talented with social media skills. They are the ones that would develop the networking systems that would render the NDP a more cohesive organization. Tele-conferencing, list-serves, Facebook, Twitter ... the whole range of modern communications would come into play enabling us to better communicate with, and distribute information to our activists in the field and to the public.

Questions 3: To those running for a seat: If elected, what will be the key to working as a team with the other elected officers despite differences? Please state the seat for which you are running.

Jane Kleeb here running for Chair
...some of my first answer is relevant here. Additionally, I can work with folks I disagree with...I will also ensure my voice is heard. A strong progressive and populist voice is needed in our party. We should run to those values not away from them. As a party when we have difference we can do two things (this is what Pres. Carter preached one time in his small town church)--you can use a piece of wood to build a bridge or a fence. We have to build more bridges inside and outside the party while standing our ground on values. And just to do my part to dispel myths, as a leader on the pipeline I disagreed with some of the unions in our state. Some unions agreed with me. I've know many of the leaders in our unions for years. We've worked on clean energy jobs, health care reform, card check and workplace safety all together. Folks who say myself and unions can't get along are simply trying to stir up trouble and build fences...let's build bridges!!

BTOsborn - Candidate for NDP State Chair
I am considered difficult to work with by some. I readily admit to having little patience for those that are dishonest, unfaithful, or who won't do their jobs. If you faithfully perform your duties as described in our Constitution and Bylaws, if you prove your ability to accomplish the goals that are set for you, you will find me very easy to work with.I relish a good argument. I despise the concept of "go along to get along." We are Democrats, we tend to disagree with one another. That doesn't mean we must become enemies. It only means that spirited discussion leads to conclusions that, unlike those dictated by a despotic ruler, will appeal to the greatest number of us, and that is what democracy is all about.If you do a search on-line, you can find numerous places where I have stated my opinions on a plethora of topics. As Chair of the NDP, my voice would be that of the party, as expressed in its Platform and Resolutions. In private, you'd get the benefit of my voice as a registered Nebraska Democrat - just one of many. Most importantly, I would ensure that the voices of each and every Democrat in this state had an NDP which would serve as a soapbox from which to shout out the truth.

Sunday, June 12, 2016

Biting the hand that feeds.

Jane Kleeb, one of my opponents for the Chair of the NDP, has some very serious questions to answer before she receives the votes from the Bernie Sanders delegates at the State Convention in Kearney. According to a Wall Street Journal article, and another one published in the Omaha World Herald, her husband's business,  Energy Pioneer Solutions, Inc., was heavily funded via influence by Bill and Hillary Clinton. It does make one wonder why she would be biting the hand that feeds her.

The articles can be found here:

And here:

Saturday, June 11, 2016

A blast from the past.

If anyone believes that the message I share today is merely that of one who has just recently taken on the NDP oligarchy, as Bernie Sanders has taken on the DNC, here's a little blast from the past. It demonstrates that my struggle with the NDP oligarchy has been at the forefront of my political activity for years.
I would like to point out that, despite Mr. Michaelis' prevarication, Mr. Raimondo was, indeed, still a registered Republican on the day my letters were published in the OWH &LJS.
I readily admit to being contentious, angry, and obnoxious. But, what is the alternative? Sitting around sheepishly grinning at one another while ignoring the morass of corruption that is drowning us?
It is my belief that the delegates coming to Kearney next weekend are dominated by like-minded activists that are sick and tired of the corruption and the money that drives our party today. I believe they will support my challenge to the status quo and join me in transforming our party into an effective force for truth, justice and equality.
That said, please check out what I wrote nearly nine years ago.

Delegate data removed.

Sorry folks.. Someone managed to have the delegate/alternate data removed.
Democracy in action no doubt. Keep 'em in the dark and feed 'em bullshit.

If that is the kind of NDP you want, one where vital information is kept away from you, then by all means, vote for those who support the kind of "continuity" that Vince, and his allies, like Jane Kleeb, offer you.

If you want to throw your hands up and give in to the forces of Hillary, vote for Chuck.

If, on the other hand, you are mad as hell and won't take it any more, I'm your guy.

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Medical Marijuana

Did you know that the legalization of Medical Marijuana has been the policy of the NDP since the State Convention of 2010?

Read my comments on that topic here.

The elephant in the room.

I've been asked for comments on my potential opponent, Jane Kleeb.

Click here for my thoughts on that matter.

How I would Chair the NDP

I have been asked by many, what would I, as State Chair of the NDP, do differently than my predecessors, and my opponents vying for the same position, would. While it is difficult to cover every aspect of what would change under my watch, I will try to be as complete and concise as possible and will be updating these comments as time goes by. If you have any questions about anything I didn’t cover here, please contact me and I will try to update this page to reflect my views on the topic.

I believe the position of State Chair should be carried out in accordance with the duties defined in the NDP Constitution and Bylaws. I would not be a dictator that expects people to do as I say, and never to question my decisions. I would always try to be as transparent, honest and accountable as I can, and I would expect everyone that I appoint, or approve of for positions within the party, to do the same.

I believe that we are responsible to those that we serve, they that put us into the positions we hold within the party. Our loyalties must lie with the party Constitution and Bylaws, our Platform, and our Resolutions. We must never serve our own self interests, those of other organizations that we belong to - public or private, nor adhere to secret groups that serve others’ interests.

I propose to make the NDP completely transparent, every decision, every action, every proposal, shall be posted on a public website open to any and all. For I believe that corruption is best dispelled by exposure to the bright light of day. There will be no more sneaking around, holding private meetings where our constituents are kept in the dark. They are not our enemies, and we are not their bosses. The NDP belongs to the people, not to just a few.

I would encourage every Democrat in the state to contribute to the party in whatever manner they can, with every bit of support that they can muster. By that I don’t just mean monetarily, I mean that they should utilize their talents and skills to the best of their abilities to promote our party and its ideals. I would create an organization that serves to assist these people in every way so as to ensure that their efforts are not wasted.

One way that I would hope to involve ever more Democrats in our organization is by establishing a system whereby all of our meetings are live streamed over the internet, so that even a rancher in the sandhills of Sioux County can keep tabs on exactly how he or she is being represented. I would like to establish a network that allows us to hold video conferences so that people don’t have to travel so far to participate in all of our meetings. I would create a blog, a list serve, or some way that every Democrat that had an opinion on some issue would be able to share it with every other Democrat in the state. It would not be censored! Censorship is anathema to the growth of democracy.

Rather than holding expensive fundraisers that the average Democrat cannot afford to attend, I would encourage more activity on the local level, especially at the county level throughout rural Nebraska. There are places in this state where Democrats are few and far between. We must help them to find one another, and give them the assistance they need to get organized, not just to support candidates for offices, but to support one another and to spread the word about our party and our Platform.

People are the most important thing in our party. Yes, money is a necessary evil, but Bernie Sanders has shown us how it is possible to accumulate enough of it to get our job done without selling our souls to those few that have the deepest pockets.

Now let’s get to work!

Tuesday, June 7, 2016

Why I am running

People Powered Politics, not Politics by Powerful People!

I decided that I would run for Chair of the Nebraska Democratic Party because I firmly believe that all of those Bernie Sanders delegates that won their seats at the NDP State Convention need to have a voice that supports their ideals, and those of Senator Sanders. We were only two weeks out from the convention when I made this decision. I had actually been hoping that Jane Kleeb would enter the fray, but then she did the unthinkable, presenting  herself as a candidate for 1st Associate Chair on a slate with current NDP Chair, the very unpopular, Vince Powers.

I opposed Vince Powers for the Chair of the NDP in 2012 because I felt it was a travesty that he was running unopposed, and I knew there were many people that were highly dissatisfied with his leadership. Essentially, the arguments I presented against my opponent then are still valid. It would be a very bad idea to re-elect the man under whose watch the NDP lost yet another 3% of registered voters in our state. His mantra of "continuity" leads only to a path that ends like the movie, Thelma & Louise.

Please come back to this page again, as I will be adding more comments, including links to Facebook comments that I have posted on my page over the years. You will see that my message hasn't changed merely for political expediency.

If you are on Facebook, you can check out my page there. FACEBOOK